hey everybody. so tony is on the road and i leave in a few hours. if you are near any of the places we are playing you should come out and say hi and hang out with us. tony will be on tour longer than myself, but we are touring these 21 days together on a greyhound to go visit the president elect as he recieves a royal ass kissing from some other rich dudes on the 20th. we have some songs up at our websites and at myspace. come say hi! (sorry we don't have more complete details yet)....
1985 & Tony Presley Hounding the Auger Tour:
F 1.14 | Salt Lake City, UT @ KILBY COURT (7:30pm, all-ages) with:
Jessica Something Jewish, The Annuals, The Glendale Rabashaw, Drew Danbury
S 1.15 | Denver, CO @ TBA
S 1.16 | Denton, TX @ MABLE PEABODYs (10pm) with:
A Childlike Fear, Sarah Reddington
M 1.17 | Little Rock, AR @ BLANK GENERATION (7pm, all-ages) with:
Blair Harris
T 1.18 | X Marks The Spot Lexington, KT (758 Maple Avenue)
W 1.19 | travel day
F 1.21 | Philadelphia, PA @ TBA
S 1.22 | Kent, OH @ House Show
S 1.23 | Ann Arbor, MI @ Totally Awesome House
M 1.24 | Madison, WI @ Gods Garage (1109 Jennifer)
T 1.25 | Appleton, WI @ The Monkeywrench
W 1.26 | Iowa City, IA @ The Whoa! Boat
T 1.27 | travel day
F 1.28 | Helena, MT @ Pattern House (7pm, all-ages) with:
Rusty Guns, Old Shoes, Annie J & The Radiant Murmur
S 1.29 | Missoula, MT @ Area 5 (8pm, all-ages) with:
Purrbot, Old Shoes, Annie J & The Radiant Murmur
S 1.30 | Walla Walla, WA @ Gilligan’s Island Halfway House (all-ages)
M 1.31 | Portland, OR @ Dunes (9pm) with:
The Solvents
T 2.01 | Port Townsend, WA @ The Boiler Room (8pm, all-ages) with:
The Solvents
W 2.02 | Olympia, WA @ House (all-ages) with:
Palisades, The Solvents
T 2.03 | Bellingham, WA @ Stuarts Coffeehouse (8pm, all-ages) with:
A Heartless Solution, The Solvents
1985: http://www.myspace.com/1985 or http://www.masarecords.com/mr_1985.html
tony: http://www.myspace.com/tonypresleyreallivetigers or http://www.tonypresley.com
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