:: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 ::
here's an update from two days ago. what was that, tuesday? we're in provo, ut, right now, reaping the benefits of wi-fi in karl's house where we're playing tonight. i'd update more, but then that would make the update below even more obsolete than it already is. i'd be impressed if you've gotten through all of matt's posts. get reading, sucka!
ps. edit: i've also been slow to get labrynt's very, very last post up which was sent to us via the internet from missoula, so i'm adding that, after my post, in red. enjoy!
9:12 a.m. central time, boulder, CO
sitting on the deck at brandon's apartment after a marathon greyhound ride to denver. boulder reminds me of parts of rohnert park, at least in my immediate area. winding down to the last week of tour, we'll be in kennewick on friday, which to me, is as good as over, since having lived there for three years will be like returning to a home of any kind. anything familiar is very welcoming at this point.
the last few days have been excruciatingly long travel days, and we have two more of those to go; the ride from denver to provo, ut is supposed to be pretty long, and we spend one more night on the bus leaving salt lake city to go to pasco. the shows have been pretty bad, too. the show in st. louis at the infierno room had only me and matt playing, no local acts, thus, no one showing up. there were a few people in and out, but we actually lost money on the show, since we had to pay for beer and food there and didn't sell a thing or get paid. we both played two sets, in hopes that people would come in, but i was so out of it after the bus ride and the walk from the greyhound station that i hardly felt like playing, and it was pretty obvious. st. louis is pretty effin' scary, anyway, what with the greyhound station being in a pretty rough part of town. luckily, some nice people we met gave us a ride there at 230, right before our bus was to leave, thus minimizing our time in the scary station. matt contends that the seattle station is still the ugliest and dirtiest of all the stations we've been to, which may not be far off.
before that we were in chicago, actually, blue island, il, which i'm told is still actually chicago. we played at ray's pizza with foxtale and the bee's knees, both of which were great and very nice. during our first stay in chicago, i was a bit turned off by the city, the people, the traffic, the gentrification, (mostly due to the wicker park fiasco/show). the second time around i liked the show better aside from the drunken heckler that only matt had to deal with, and the people were nicer. we got to see tosch again, which was nice, and we got to check out jamie's landmark studio. if only we had enough time to record. anyway, my point is that the first time around chicago lost me, the second, it reeled me back in. hooray for chicago.
holy shit, remember those crows we saw in the grand canyon that would make swooping sounds every time they flapped their wings? i just saw one, and it's flapping was audible over achilles heel right now.
speaking of achilles heel, i had to buy the mutherfucker again through itunes the other day because i was THAT desperate to hear the shit. best tunes on the record as of today: start without me, the poison, arizona.
before chicago we were in kent, ohio. kent state university looks nothing like the pictures, and all the kids party on thursday night. there's a 24-hour deli/cafeteria downstairs in one of the dorms and it's packed with kids at 2 a.m. the show was off-campus at julie's house-- it was well attended and we met some nice kids, as usual. mc homeless and his acapella flow was a nice change of pace to all the whiny shit me and matt do all the time. kids are smart over there, though, they are radical and know their shit, intimidating. this kid noah made some tasty vegan vegetable/tofu curry that we devoured in a second. matt didn't sleep that night. i did.
i think we're gonna go look for some wi-fi in town today so we can post this shit, as brandon's teaching class and we got bee-dogg at our disposal. heading west feels good. -tim
:: brs 2:31 AM
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