:: Music As Social Agitation Records::MASA Records is Music As Social Agitation, a homespun, not-for-profit label seeking to promote socially and politically mindful artists and to funnel at least the majority of money brought in from the sale of releases to charitable organizations and other non-profits, both socially and politically based. MASA Records is Art For Peoples Sake! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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:: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 :: i wound up staying bellingham much longer than i expected. which was good, because out of those experiences, this was created. it is me and eli's semi-project called "crystal pastures." let us know what you think!:: Monday, May 23, 2005 :: i am still in bellingham, hanging out until the local music radio show tonight and i am excited to finally get back home to kent. i was lucky enough to catch my brother and sister at home when i got into seattle from spokane and went home for a few hours before heading to port townsend... the bellingham shows were fun, especially the jason webley show, it was a nice way to finish the tour off. i have really come around to webley and his music over the last year or so, especially when he made such a nice gesture to the gaf church his last time here. the show went well, there was like 150 people there and i was able to unload 30 1985 cd's and 40 of the local compilation (dead air, um, dead air) and people signed the mailing list as well. i was mostly giving the cd's away but told people that if they wanted to donate money to me for the intended charities on the cd', that they could, and 10 bucks came in that way... it was a lot of fun being in bellingham for some live music on friday and saturday night and now i have mostly been holed up at jamie/kristen/eli's house and me and eli have been recording. apparently we are gonna try and finish an ep today, so we will see how that goes... fun, new songs of both his and mine and they are sounding awesome... look for an attempt at filling in the blank spots of the tour journal action and also look fr major overhauls of the masa site int he next couple of days...:: Thursday, May 19, 2005 :: so i am sitting at one of the horseshoe cafe computers. fucking hilarious.:: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 :: oh, missoula in spring! how i love thee! if only my family were pocket-size and i could take them wherever i go... alas.:: Sunday, May 15, 2005 :: i am in missoula, chilling at peters house while he puts posters on his wall. he has lived here since october. today was overcast and warm here in western montana. i have been pretty moody. i am glad it took this long to hit me (maybe my tolerance is going up), but i am definately getting that weird ansy, unsatisfied gotta keep moving to misery missing things feeling. it is weird and hard to describe, like a breaking down jalopy. i tried pretty hard to get onto a show tonight at this girl niki's house but even though there is only three bands playing and i pleaded with the whole "i don't need to play a big set and i can play early and between bands and don't need any money and just want to play a few songs to make something of the day" spee-ul, she "didn't have room for me." eh. she hosts the local show here at the college radio station, me and tony played on her show last time we were in town... so yeah, i should be happy about last nights show. there were tons of people and they were pretty receptive and nice to me during my set and i got to hear no-fi on their old stomping grounds and the robot ate me and the conversation. the oblio joes were my favorite, though. so much fun. i have been so drawn to traveling songs on this tour, like tom and chaz's project "the transcendentalists." four fast chords a harmonica and a bellowing plea. s'all i need... the bus ride to missoula from salt lake city (following a nice 6am sunny walk with tom from his place to ther depot) was miserable and ansy, especially the last two hours from butte montana to missoula. and then we rushed right to the show at the boys and girls club. i think tyson was super happy about the show, though. tons of kids came and i think all the bands got paid pretty well (i recieved the most money i have recieved of any show on tour yet, 100 bucks)... it was a fun show. so yeah, we just went to the movie theater tyson works at to see if we could see a movie for free and it was a no go. and then jenn had to run off to watch survivor (a family tradition or something) and now me and peter are contemplating going to the show at niki's house, which i am less than excited about, though i would love to see some liver music tonight... oh, and i wrote a new song this morning (after watching the against me documentarya nd some of the half japanese one) and we tried to record it with me on guitar and tyson on keys and peter on harmonica. it didn't work but later in the day me and peter and tyson recorded a new wetness protection program installement. tyson had to leave to work half way through, but me and peter continued to record. look for a new masa myspace account for the WPP, with music up from the blair-joshua-matt session in little rock and this one today... plus some old stuffs... anyways... i need to go ride a bike or something... cheer up spend myself... tomorrow night is day three in missoula and some songs at tyson and jenns potluck housewarming party. their place is nice... oh, and the thing i like the most about "the pacific science center" (which is probably what hawaii will morph into) is the pacify. hope you are well...:: Friday, May 13, 2005 :: okay. we are chilling in salt lake city at tom's house. we got in at ten am this morning, after one of the through the night rides that you dread for days after. the trips where you get maybe half a set and have to hold on cause the driver doesn't know how to steer smoothly and she keeps trying to toss you into the aisle. oh yeah. so we got in at ten and walked back to tom's place to eat some breakfast (they had some stolen mini pizzas and i had made some mac and cheese with fake hotdog and corn mixed in). tasty. then we walked to the temple square and did the whole mormon tourist thing. checking out what we could as non-mormons, including getting a tour of the new convention chamber thing they got. it is the largest indoor religious structure in the world or something. an auditorium that sat 21,000 a roof top with six acres of plants, a giant choir and religious leaders puplit made from the wood of a single cherry tree from pennsylvania, cheesy paitings from the 70's worth millions, drained river fountains, phonebooths everywhere amidst the class and luxury, 50-100 couples getting married a day outside thew temple. then we walked to the musuem cause i wanted to check out the transcriptions joe smith made of the golden plates. we were able to find a single page displayed. after that we walked to another holy site, a new mostly outdoor mall near the old train station. i sat near this fountain while joshua and tom walked through the virgin megastore and barnes and nobles handing out last minute fliers for the show. this fountain was the sister fountain of the olympia one that gave me the inspiration for my next rock band, to be dubbed either "soggy lazer fountain" or "pacific science center." hopefully with members of b-18, sears catalog and [mute]. it is all about creating something that is easily passed off by cool kids and other ignorantes but that appeals to the child, the pure, the innocent with moisture, symmtery, violence, rythym... anyways, there is a lot more to it, it is another unifying theory, etc... now we are back at toms house after watching the kids get pounded by a five minute rendetion from this fountain of "god bless america." (the kid seemed to enjoy the fountain more when it wasn't trying to sing and be so patriotic). tom just ate a mushroom. we are gonna go visit a utah liquor store soon and then grab some food before the show. should be a fun one tonight at kilby court. drew danburry might stop by after his show tonight...:: Thursday, May 12, 2005 :: so last night was our show in forth worth at 1919 hemphill. rick turned out to be a lot nicer and more animated than in our mishappened email contacting. the collective place was pretty big and relatively cheap for them to rent... and big... (more soon)...:: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 :: alright. it is 10am, about 24 hours after we pulled into austin from little rock, and i am rocking austin style hanging out at tony presley's listening to my favorite cut from the seattle band anybody human, "one night stand." so good. in a couple hours we will drive north to forth worthand me and joshua will be that much closer to home... last night weplayed a house show at this kid michaels. really nice, really nice kid. we traded tom robbins books (skinny legs and all for still life with woodpecker). he is into a lot of the indie, west coast songwriter k stuff and had some mass rare records. and a lot of smiles. nice guy. anyways, the show started like two hours late, an every growing tendency, with michaels roommate stewart playing a few songs off the cuff. good voice and pop songs. would have liked to seen more of him the rest of the night, but he seemed to stay out back of the house with his girlfriend. then dan solomon performed, and it was really nice to hang out with him and see him throw some words down. his performance was a lot more solid than the last time i had seen him and got me kind of amped up. joshua went next and had a good set. the pa was sounding good for his style and guitar and such. than fine:fifteen (whom had arrived late on the scene due to work) asked if they could go next and tony gave them the go ahead. i guess one of them had some studying to do, though they both (very nicely and professionally) did wind up sticking around for the whole night. it was a two woman duo with accordian and guitar. good songs, interesting vocal style. poppy stuff, with some old school stylings. i went next, and it was a fun set. i think i was a little more engaging and funny than awkward for once in a blue moon. of course, everytime i feel like i just had a good set, i tend to get the least response from people. and when i think a show is gonna go crappy, it usually turns out real good. anyways, played the political songs and the tony presley/blair harris/bill clinton hit. after me, tony played a too short set of new songs and it was awesome. really, really dig the new goods. and the acoustic vibe. we ended the night with the two of us doing a cover of sunflowers by low, which was fun and rough. there were about 14 people that came to the show and tony passed around a milkjug a few times and me and josh made ten bucks each. then, michael said he would buy all our albums for 20 bucks, which was way to fucking nice of him, especially since he already bought some community beer for us all. nice kid, i tell you. he is in this band called "a bear," check it out. after the show, tony had promised to show us the austin night scene. we wound up going to two bars that were pretty near (the "hole in the wall," which reminded me of the brotherhood in olympia, and another bar that felt a lot like the 3b tavern). it was late, so we didn't have much time to explore or drive around... maybe this morning... i am drinking a lonestar beer right now. it is ten am.:: Monday, May 09, 2005 :: i don't know if i should post this, but it (however truly real/significant it is) is starting to bug me a lot. i will try and clarifiy it better soon, but here is what i rambled to a friend via email to central america today::: Thursday, May 05, 2005 :: me, joshua and brendon are hanging out at the brand new, lush UofK library here in kentucky. it is finals week, i guess. last night was a fun park show put on by anthony and randi with some lcoal punk kids playing and listening. there was FNB dinner right when we got there which was awesome, even though we got pretty loaded up on food at the free kitchen in bloomington before we left. the show went into the nighttime darkness, and it got a bit chilly but most the kids stuck around to hear everyone played. we play with locals amanda muse and also sarah coleman. sarah has an awesome voice and a GOOD knack for punk/pop melodies. this really awesome duo from west virginia also played, pretty straight-forward punk songs with all the topical themes us liberals and them radicals have come to know. i forgot there name right now, but... anyways, brendon is driving us again today, which will be awesome since we are traveling through the hills of west virginia appalachia... this morning was beautiful, as was the drive yesterday. it seems that spring has finally arrived just in time for our shwos in the deeper, wetter, hotter south. nice, nice.... at least we have a couple more east coats dates and hopefully a visit with "the man who is jimes" tonight in baltimore... anyways, see you guys soon. oh! and i put together the tour itinerary finally. here are most of the details for where we have been and where we still have left to go. come say hi if you can!:: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 :: i know the second i start typing this brendon and joshua are gonna show up (i am currently at the library waiting for them to pick me up so we can drive to lexington). anyways, last night we played an awesome and super fun show at the relaxation center here in bloomington. the people of the house were really nice and hospitable and a lot of kids came out to the show and came down to the basement to watch the music inbetweening partying upstairs. joshua started the show off, and then me, brendon, the impossible shapes (the main dude solo, though) and odawas concluded the evening. everyone played really well and i enjoyed the local bands music. it was news to both me and joshua that secretly canadian and the impossible shapes and odawas were all from bloomington. joshua is a big fan of secretly canadian and the impossible shapes as well. everyone seemed to be drinking miller high life. bloomington reminds me a lot of what pullman would be like if the city of bellingham's 70,000 people sat next to WSU there, instead of the 15,000 locals there are there now. it is like bellingham alot, but with a big university and environs that are really similar to the oasis in the desert that pullman/moscow are. i am excited to come back again and visit. today we head to a park show in lexington, kentucky with food not bombs and kickball and skateboarding... hopefully we will ge there in time for some dinner foods...:: Tuesday, May 03, 2005 :: alright. well, we are what, nearly two weeks into this tour? and no update from our fairy godslands. tour has been well. a little on the poor side at times, a little on the vacant side some times, but well... we are in bloomington, indiana today and chilling at the library right now. it is a nice city, seemingly. it will be awesome to meet some local kids and see what keeps them busy. this is day four with viking moses. brendon rented a car, so it is almost like we aren't really touring together.... i mean, we are playing shows, but so much of the touring together thing is driving from show to show experiencing the in betweens and such...:: Monday, May 02, 2005 :: so may 1st was a night at the ugly mug in ypsilanti, mi which is really close to ann arbor. it was nice to finally be able to hang out here for awhile, since it has always seemed like an awesome college town and some people likened it as such to bellingham. of course, the university here dwarves WWU both in size and olden grandeur. we crashed at the totally awesome house, which though they were supposed to be all moved out, was still pretty trashed from the festival and a years worth or tornado creative enterprise. those kids are rad and i really hope they get there deposit back and that people get there things moved out and cleaned up before the landlords come a knocking. ..late sunday night (we crashed there two nights) joshua was playing some chessy riff on a guitar and we came up with a tribute song for the house... i think the lyrics were like::: Sunday, May 01, 2005 :: back to the future, again i guess... some recollections...
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