:: Music As Social Agitation Records::MASA Records is Music As Social Agitation, a homespun, not-for-profit label seeking to promote socially and politically mindful artists and to funnel at least the majority of money brought in from the sale of releases to charitable organizations and other non-profits, both socially and politically based. MASA Records is Art For Peoples Sake! | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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:: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 :: i'm in baltimore with jason. matt called me at 730, a few hours into my bus ride here and told me he was getting arrested. i've called the legal hotline a few times and will go down to 100 centre street to pick him up tomorrow. arraignments only happen until 1 am, and i was told there'd be no way for him to get out tonight, so i should just go there tomorrow and hope he gets released.:: Monday, August 30, 2004 :: yet again i only have enough time to upload pictures without too much commentary. hopefully the comments are working now. check out all the pictures from madison to our bus ride to nyc. we're here in new york right now, and i have a ton of pictures from the protest yesterday, but i haven't uploaded them to the computer yet and like a dumbass, i not only forgot my charger for my computer at greg's house in the bronx (i only have 13 minutes left, and it's probably not even really 13 minutes... it never is), but i also left the battery for my camera charging there, so i couldn't get any pictures of the big guns lining the new york public library and grand central station. (oh, yeah, matt took like ten pictures of his toe and i exported straight out of iphoto, so no time for editing-- apparently there was a big gash, i dunno, because i never looked too closely).:: Thursday, August 26, 2004 :: travel log stardate 020042608 goldstar the long road Special thanks to pattern is movement, the silence, the new blind nationals, and the venue in Milwaukee for making my last show of the tour very fun and magical. I wish I could have hung out with them some more. one of the things that i've been enjoying hte most on the tour is the thunderstorms. there's one happening right now as i sit here in The Attic by myself after tonight's show. last night in ann arbor there was another storm, and the smell of wet concrete is absolutely spectacular.:: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 :: gawd, i just spent a ton of time getting shit done and no time for me to update. sorry, hopefully tomorrow. -tim so we are on a brief one hour layover in detroit. tim is playing the station video games for the first, but promised not to be the last, time. damn, the greyhound routes and schedules are fucked up in michigan, taking all these sideways and heading hours in the opposite direction of the designated end point. and so begins our 30 day bussage. the first route slapped both me and tim hard in the face. it began with lab's dropping us off at the milwaukee station to frantically board a bus that was apparently an hour early but leaving right away at 3:45am and ended at 8pm the next evening. 16 hours. ouch. we had a four hour layover in chicago station, which was actually really nice. my whole last 24 hours though have been plagued with trying to find internet access in order to turn in my weekly article, finalize some more show details and work on the housing thing for NYC (still homeless, still worried). after a half hour of searching, i found a coffeeshop 8 city block away. big blocks. the second i stepped out of the station it started pouring down rain, the way it had when we first got off the freeway. the storm put most NW heavy rains to shame. within a few minutes i was walking barefoot through the oily lakes (wet flip-flops don't work at all) and shawled by a button up shirt i had with me. i got to W MADISON street and took a right towards the heart of chicago's financial district. it was 7:45 am and the streets were filled with suited and dressed high-rise, 200 grand earning office people, 98% of them wielding umbrellas. then there was me, trekking rapidly through them in shorts and a mesh hat, barefoot and soaked. the weather and the buildings and the thunder were surreal enough, and i felt like i was in a video. actually, the first floors of these buildings, with their 18 elevators and huge security desk and hundreds of people filling in felt like a modern version of "the apartment" with jack lemmon and, fuck i forgot, but she was hot as hell in the movie... anyways, something about the dark radiance in each. plus, there is nothing like a rain-soaked daylight urban scene in an old black and white film. or something. anyways, i walked ten blocks into this chaos before i figured out i had gone in the wrong direction. 20 minutes later i was at westgate coffee, trying to dry off and drinking the shittiest (burnt) drip i have had in some time. btw, people don't know what you mean when you say DRIP coffee out here. the show last night was fun. john set it up at this bar called "white's bar" and we played with him and his bandmate (your best friend), tim a____ and another band whom i will remember later. the place was tiny, but real cozy and though the street out side of it was a wide, three laner, it felt like one of this corner, neighborhood bars. the night ended unlike the way it progressed, but more in line with the feel of the bar, with a flogging molly cover and then more flogging molly on the juke... oh yeah, in case you didn't know, tim's name on tour is sanchez (a mispronunciation in winona). our show in milwaukee, i mean menomenee falls, fell through. after two weeks of trying to get a hold of spencer to get details for the show that "was still on," ewe wound up at a gas station in his neighborhood getting tips from a girl he went to high school with. we looked up his name in the phone book, called the number. his mom said he moved out and we got his cell number. called it several times in the next hour and some before leaving a message (didn't want to leave one off the bat because then he would know it was us). i decided we should go to a busier part of town, a hip part of milwaukee and try to find any shows and possibly jump on a bill. about two blocks into a younger, hipper strip we passed a bar and saw a few bands loading in. after ten minutes, in which i looked in the weekly to see what was happening on monday night (an open mic was our only other option). i went in to ask the booker, which happened to be a band-dude, to see if we could get on the bill. i told him there was three of us and that we didn't need much time, but that we would love to play since our show fell through. 10 minutes later, after he had asked the other bands, we were on the bill. we played with pattern is movement, the silence (apparently with members of camden who keep popping into my life) and new blind nationals. it was a fun show and all the bands were super nice. we each played 3 songs. i went first (with bow, blue-purple failure and eulogy) then tim and labrynt. be the end of the night i was pretty tired, though all the bands were real good.... the night before that we were in madison at the glass nickel pizzeria playing with freddy faggot and screaming cyn cyn and the pons. the bar/show was in the basement. the restaurant above. it was a nice place and the people were really friendly. we got free drinks but no free food. tim did score a pizza order that was messed up though. he keeps scoring these flesh-items that neither me or labrynt can eat. cyn cyn and the pons were fucking awesome. it was dancing, sassy rocking pop music with keyboards. almost like what electro-clash would be if the continent electronic music developed on split in two the smaller chunk developed separate and independently, with different resources and environs. i think the website is cyn-cyn.com ...we will be sure to get you all the websites for the kick ass people and places we met... we are now off to ann arbor to play a show at patrick elkins house. we randomly bumped into him at the greyhound station in kalamazoo yesterday as he was off to his parents and we to saginaw. wish us few trips as gruelign as yesterdays, homes -nto bus stations/rides- to crash at and luck with getting our NYC housing situated. thanks to greg for looking into that for us.... (side note to self, so i can go maybe a day without having my entire hand covered with words and numbers, hawaii = early mag experiences getting past now. library as most yin-yanger of them all. also, "maid to last forever" as description of work of the bhodishatva). oh, and for my own records, last night: bow, blue-purple, leash, journal, sailor, a framing, all is sun. or something... 12pm, Wednesday August 25th, 2004. -mattfu [this is labrynt's last post. right now, she's somewhere between minni, minn and bellingham. we'll miss her, but she won't miss the greyhound, i assure you. -tim]:: Monday, August 23, 2004 :: matt and i are sitting in the memorial library at the university of wisconsin in madison. the show last night was very sparsely attended, at least until the touring acts were done playing. regardless, i got some free pizza (the benefits of being able to eat anything, including dead animals), but the pizza was sadly turned into asphalt pizza as it was left on top of the van as labrynt brought our new friend christian home. screaming cyn-cyn and the 'pons were the shit, no lie, and freddy was awesome and terribly hospitable.:: Sunday, August 22, 2004 :: the slim creeping beautiful. winni, minni. we played on an island, latsch island, in the mississippi. i think that river is trying to seduce me. kansas city, me and jeff's drive to to tulsa, winona. i am pretty sure i was conceived in saint louis, delivered at swedish. we are listening to clamdust trying to attach ourselves to something familiar as we follow the river back to 90. the mississippi, though a state as well, is not the arkansas. this i keep repeating to myself. it got creepy. it started friendly, familiar. i felt really comfortable on stage, on the island. i am not referring to the performance thing either, just very physically comfortable regardless. i felt like letting go and, because of it, played a very sloppy, gelatinous set. it felt good, though. i played bow, blue purple, the leash, olive, eulogy. joe, jaime and then mike byrd. then tim and labrynt. the kids were very friendly post-show. lab sold a few cd's, i gave a few away and we made 20 bucks in donations. we got several offers for a place to crash and several for post-show hanging out. we decided to go to this cafe called "the acoustic cafe." it was a nice cafe, quaint and friendly. good size, alright food. it was there that the calm within became apparent. this is the way i was feeling a few weeks ago in bellingham, saturated with a foreign divinity. one idea about this feeling (which comes in pulses, flashes, waves) is that it is a premonition of the permanent soak that is after-death. a blip of iridescence/incandescence to our color, our sliver of the color spectrum. it is a light, warm possession. regardless, it didn't feel creepy until tonight. we went to a green party gathering. alex took us there. there were speakers, some music, drinks. polly, the coordinator, was happy to hear our story and wanted us to share it with the group. i asked her if i could play a song instead. we wound up each playing a song, probably taking up too much of their time. i stumblingly told of MASA and the reason for our trip and how beautiful their city was (i guess people flock here from distances in the fall cause there are soooo many green trees turning red orange brown) and how beautiful their togetherness was. it came out rough, as did olive but i felt compelled to share it. afterwards dwayne, who happened to be the county commissioner, offered us a place to stay, 16 bucks and wished us well. we gave him cd's of ours. joe got this brilliant idea to squat, or at least visit the auditorium of this junior high was being renovated. so we went. the door that was usually open, was locked. we found another way in. it was dark, bare and that echo was there, the imprint of a silenced location that was used to heavy people traffic. apparently, there was something else there. the pictures we took as we fled had what appeared to be "orbs," round spots on the picture that weren't there otherwise. supposed psycho-kinetic energy. we fled because there was a loud bang from a distance down the hallway. we heard it twice. we fled fast. tim snapped some shots as we fled laughing. after that, winona wasn't the same. i felt a calm, quiet around me, labby felt something in her back. we went to jamey's to hang out and say goodbye. he wasn't home but we hung out in his very nice, quaint apartment for a bit. he had two nice cats, wood floors, high ceilings and plenty of plants. we left shortly after, found jamey at a bar on the corner. lab, who had stayed in the van came in and said she was ready to go NOW. we pulled jamey out to say goodbye and as we packed up, him and a few friends started a drunken clap circle with indian chanting. if things hadn't been getting weird, it would have been simply funny, but present circumstance made it kind of dark and foreboding. i left feeling that our new friends were not on my side as they had appeared. a sick colony tie-casting there spellings on us. i am getting tired. i want to write a musical autobiography. as in, a recounting and fleshing out of my entire life through the exclusive personification of the songs, albums and musical acts that aurally periodicated my existence. as in, all the characters in your life story are the artists and bands you listened to. your relationships, your reactions and interactions with their music... admiration is a lazy, patronizing distance. inspiration is a personalized tribute, an empathetic activating response to another. fuck admiration.:: Saturday, August 21, 2004 :: we just got done eating at the acoustic cafe here in winona, minn. the highway we took to get here ran right along the mississippi, which is absolutely breathtaking, almost as good as when owl and i were driving through mississippi in the summer a few years ago. lush, thick greenery like a wall on the side of the road. we are flying on 90 west to get to La Crosse, WI to hit 61 north to Winona, MN. we are set to play a big afternoon/evening hang out gathering in a park on the mississippi river today hosted and attended by winona punk kids. or, winopunx. we are an hour late. hopefully they will be receptive to our indie inclinations and not be disappointed when we don't sound like against me. last night was chicago and chaos and fun. i played bow interrupted, blue purple failure, eulogy and olive. the show was at this cool art gallery (none on the walls, though) called the buddy gallery. it was all-ages and most people were drinking. it was on milwaukee street , in a gentrified hip neighborhood. i had a piece of cheese pizza, normal style but tasty. the evening began with an hour and some quick show and tell slide show presentations that were mostly pretty funny. especially one of stick figure drawings and readings from the instructions a kidnapper left for this girl he intelligently buried under the ground for a week. bill, who set the show up, couldn't be there that evening and edmar was a gracious host, though he didn't know what to do about the order. there were six acts, yacht, thanksgiving and lost robots (a local screamy electro dance duo). edmar left right when the music was supposed to start and i decided we should just go first and get out of the way. i guess i seemed pissed off or nervous or something. i need to fix that. sometimes when i am trying to be quick with my shit on stage, i come off that way. for the record, i wasn't pissed, i just wanted to get or songs out of the way quick so that there would be time, and people enough, for all the other acts. i was a bit nervous. the crowd was, musically, right up our alley. CJ1 was there (a term john schroder coined and john tosch brought to our attention). tim played 3 quick songs well, labby did 5 or 6 i think and did nice. no cd's sold, but i gave away a few 1985 dawm rtreadings and MASA comps to seemingly interested folks. john put us up, despite moving in a few short weeks. he was awesome and hospitable and hilarious, with a dry delivery throughout. we left today around noon and saw wrigley filed on the way out. twin cities visit with grandma was good, fritz seems extra worried about her health and would like to see her go to a nursery home. she , of course, opposes that. it was good to be there again. i only saw her, fritz and adam though, as we got there at 7pm and left at 12pm the next day. we were supposed to go back up there tonight, but i feel bad about dragging tim and lab's two hours north out of our way... anyways, approaching winona northbound via the mississippi now, gotta give KTMae a call to get directions to the park... 4pm, Saturday August 21st, 2004.:: Thursday, August 19, 2004 :: 1 am, Thursday August 19th, 2004.:: Wednesday, August 18, 2004 :: i wrote this in the car yesterday: we got out of seattle this morning around 10, right now we're in the car on i-90 on our way to montana. last night's show was all right, i was too nervous to enjoy my rancho burrito before the radio show. after the show we had to help matt clean his room out, and we didn't get back into kirkland until about 130, and we stayed up until 4 to get my cds finished, which look great, by the way, thanks to rick for the design and alison for all the cutting and pasting and burning work. you can buy one soon, i promise. 8 songs cheap, 5 bucks.:: Monday, August 02, 2004 ::
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