:: Thursday, January 15, 2009 ::
HERR JAZZ "SELF-TITLED' CASSETTE EP (all profits go to help house migrant workers in Wenatchee)
 SIDE A: 1) Hey Merlin, Thanks For The Free Coffee [MP3] 2) XpunX 3) Snacks 4) Joanna Newsong SIDE B: 5) Inconsequential & Too Long 6) Olympia [MP3] 7) Secret Track
Available for $5.00 (includes US shipping)
 CCNOW is our trusted online retailer and accepts payments from all major credit cards as well as Paypal! For Int'l Orders Please Email Us!
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:: brs 3:53 PM
[+] ::
:: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 ::
Playwright Tony Kushner, who was interviewed in Tuesdays program: "And Jews, with our millennial history of surviving oppression, really should have a deep sympathy and understanding. And it’s a shandah that we’re the authors of oppression anywhere on earth. It shouldn’t be the case. We should—we know better, and we should do better."
Israeli Voices For Peace by Amy Goodman http://www.democracynow.org (which has done an exceptional job covering this issue)
"Israel’s assault on Gaza, by air, sea and now land, has killed (at the time of this writing) more than 600 Palestinians, with more than 2,700 injured (edit: now 1000 dead, 4,000 injured). Ten Israelis have been killed, three of them Israeli soldiers killed by friendly fire. Beyond the deaths and injuries, the people of Gaza are suffering a dire humanitarian crisis that is dismissed by the Israeli government. There is, however, Israeli opposition to the military assault.
Israeli professor Neve Gordon is chair of the department of politics and government at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev in southern Israel, the region most impacted by the Hamas rockets.
Speaking over the phone from Beersheba, Gordon said: “We just had a rocket about an hour ago not far from our house. My two children have been sleeping in a bomb shelter for the past week. And yet, I think what Israel is doing is outrageous. … The problem is that most Israelis say Israel left the Gaza Strip three years ago and Hamas is still shooting rockets at us. They forget the details. The detail is that Israel maintains sovereignty. The detail is that the Palestinians live in a cage. The detail is that they don’t get basic foodstuff, that they don’t get electricity, that they don’t get water. And when you forget those kinds of details, all you say is, ‘Why are they still shooting at us?’ That’s what the media here has been pumping them with, then you think this war is rational. If you look at what’s been going on in the Gaza Strip in the past three years and you see what Israel has been doing to the Palestinians, you would think that the Palestinian resistance is rational. And that’s what’s missing in the mainstream media here.”
Gordon attended a large peace march last weekend in Tel Aviv with more than 10,000 other Israelis. Longtime Israeli peace activist Uri Avnery was there. He called the invasion “a criminal war, because, on top of everything else it is openly and shamelessly part of Ehud Barak’s and Tzipi Livni’s election campaign. I accuse Ehud Barak of exploiting the IDF [Israel Defense Forces] soldiers in order to get more Knesset seats. I accuse Tzipi Livni of advocating mutual slaughter in order to become prime minister.” Israel’s elections will be in February.
The assault strengthens right-wing Likud Party leader and former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a foremost hawk and leading candidate for prime minister. While Netanyahu fully supports the attack on Gaza, his nephew, Jonathan Ben-Artzi, is an Israeli conscientious objector who was court-martialed and imprisoned for a year and a half. He spoke to me from Providence, R.I., where he is a student at Brown University.
“I’m speaking … not as anyone’s nephew but … as an Israeli, trying to speak out to Americans to tell them you don’t have to support Israel blindly. Not everything that Israel does is holy … sometimes you have to speak firmly to Israel and tell us, tell our government, stop doing this.”
Gideon Levy is a Jewish journalist with the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. He told me: “I think that Israel had this legitimacy to protect its citizens in the southern part of Israel … but this doing something does not mean this brutal and violent operation. … I believe we could have got to a new truce without this bloodshed. Immediately to send dozens of jets to bomb a total helpless civilian society with hundreds of bombs—just today, they were burying five sisters. I mean, this is unheard of. This cannot go on like this.”
But it is. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency, UNRWA, in Gaza opened up schools to provide shelter, since Gazans, trapped in this narrow strip of land, have no place to flee. Christopher Gunness of UNRWA told me that the agency provided the coordinates of the schools to the Israeli military. Nevertheless, at least two schools have been hit by Israeli strikes in the past 24 hours. Three people were killed at the Asma elementary school. More than 30 are reported dead and more than 55 injured at the al-Fakhura school in the Jabaliya refugee camp in Gaza.
While Israeli planes drop pamphlets urging Palestinians to leave, the 1.5 million residents of the Gaza Strip, perhaps the most densely populated place on Earth, have no place to run, no place to hide. Calls for an immediate cease-fire are ignored by Israel and blocked by the U.S. government. It is not clear what the Obama administration will do—but the people of Gaza can’t wait until the inauguration. There must be a cease-fire now. And that’s just the beginning."
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:: brs 3:54 PM
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:: Sunday, December 21, 2008 ::
lots of great exciting news here at MASA headquarters! as you can see, the site is being revamped extensively as we are approaching our 10th Anniversary and nearing 60 releases! and on top of the releases mentioned below, you might notice some new names over on the left "song bar" who we're are in talks with about winter releases! but, for now, most immediately and gearing up for these exciting times, we are stoked to tell you about some NEW releases and artists joining the family in January and February, including a 2 CDR comp of 18 friends bands:
 Friends Are Relatives COMP Various Artists "Friends Are Relatives" 2-CDR COMP [January 2nd, 2009 release] To celebrate our 11th anniversary we here at MASA decided to call up nearly 20 of our favorite friends and underground musicians and ask them to contribute two songs to this release. Some of these artists are past and present MASA bands, some are new projects of old MASA bands , some are friends met along the road and others are just to awesome to not notice. Contributing to this compilation is Herr Jazz, Sorry, 1985 and Alaskas [all from Seattle, WA]; Go Slowpoke, Memes, Jonathan McIntyre and Maple Nightingale [all from Bellingham, WA]; Tyson Ballew, Friedrichs Teeth and Knot Knocked Up [from Missoula, MT], Chin Up Merriwether! and Elijah Moore [Olympia, WA]; The Solvents [Port Townsend, WA] and several more TBA! Artists will be given copies to pass out for real cheap or free and the 2 disk compilation with be available for free on this site as well!
 Herr Jazz "Self-Titled" CASS EP [January 2nd, 2009 release] Herr Jazz are an energetic, quirky and positive high school trio of indie pop-wack from Seattle, WA. The boys in the band were frequent patrons of this "hip" vintage clothing store I used to work at. One, who calls himself "Ben," was the official mascot of the store. These guys are great at sorting through multiple gaylords of used denim and will find a Big E in any giant haystack of moldy jeans. They also play thoughtful, kick-you-in-the-pants-like-green-tea sort of pop rock. The recordings have a great low-fi, reverbed out nerdiness to them. You know, smart but stinky and sitting in the back of the room with a shit-eating, know-it-all grin. Most likely to aim from the clock tower or most likely to create the internet? You Decide. 2009.
 Sorry CASS EP [February 2009 release] Sorry like to introduce themselves at every show like this. "Hi! We're Sorry!" Ryan and Aaron have been friends of mine for a couple years, through Bellingham roots related to ex-Tri Shitties kids. Did you know that Washingotn States "Tri-Cities" have the highest doctorate degree-per-capita ratio in the country? Most people think its DC. They are wrong. I have been waiting to hear some of Ryans music for awhile now and are stoked that he finally found some buddies to play pop rock music with. The boys play fun, twee (hate to use that word these days) pop rock with clever changes, crisp guitar tones and occasional noodle-slops. This spring is the Spring of Sorry. Oh, and picnics. I can't wait to walk to Cal Anderson park with these boys on my headphones and some jacked treates from QFC.
 Tyson Ballew "Fruit Trees For Cassowaries" CASS [February 10th, 2009 release] Tyson Ballew is a real good friend of mine. I just spent two months living in his closet in Missoula, MT while conducting "field research" on the local music scene their and setting up a local music radio show for his scene to be broadcast on Seattle-based Hollow Earth Radio. I have known Tyson for over five years and always known him to be a passionate performer, songwriter and advocate for all-ages shows and diy punk aesthetics. He always sings from his heart and he sings often of punk idealisms and small-town struggles. Though he has yet to convince me of the merits of pop-punk, its influences on him often shine through in his song-crafting and I can respect it there. I have heard much of this new album and am excited that he has finally found himself in a "professional" studio with great production and accompaniment. I am even more excited that he asked MASA to release the cassette version of this album.
 1985 "Back To The Future" CASS [co-release with Brown Interiour Cassettes] 1985 "Unreleased" CD-EP [January/February 2009 releases] 1985 is pronounced "Unifying Theories." Not quite a new MASA band and not, really, even new releases. "Back To The Future" is the full-band version of the project that was recorded near two years ago with Eli and Ashley (of Olympia band LAKE) in Langley, WA. The album has mostly been sitting on the shelf, though 150 of the rough mixes have been dispersed, and we are excited for it to get released on our friends Olympia label, Brown Interiour. Unreleased is a grab bag of loose recordings from the last six months, and features 1985 returning to low-fi, improved rambles and sentiments.
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:: brs 2:46 PM
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:: brs 2:26 PM
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:: Wednesday, December 07, 2005 ::
news from the 1985 Camp:
upcoming 1985 releases: 1) Floppy Disk Single b/w a written work... (New Year) 2) Split Cassette with Blair Harris (January) 3) EP (February)
Look for a month-long national greyhound tour starting early February! This will be my fifth greyhound tour and I am really looking forward to it!
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:: brs 6:11 AM
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:: Thursday, September 08, 2005 ::
so 1985 and MINI-LiFE are home from tour. i will try to transcribe the tour journal here in the next couple of days. look for a complete redesign of the masa site in the coming weeks and keep up with news and developments with the bands via their homepages and the masa records message board. it is gonna be an awesome, busy autumn for us all! hope you are excited for the coming months of autumn weather!
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:: brs 10:40 AM
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:: Thursday, August 25, 2005 ::
alright... so i just got done catchign up on some internet communications stylies and am still sitting in a hidden house off of Geary Street in cool, moist San Francisco. Carlos has been out this afternoon trying to hock some posessions in order to afford more necessary things like, well, food. hopefully tonights show will be a lot of fun at the amnesia bar with petracovich. i liked the stuff i heard of hers and it will be nice (sad to say) a bar designed for live music.... things are fine and fun, though my own finances (all 16 of them) have been dwindling down. thanks be to a familar greyhound steward behind the counter in seattle who gave me the student discount with no questions asked probably cause he recognized me as a long-time listeners, first-time caller... good guy, that dude. without his glance in the other direction, i would be sitting with about 40 negative finances and a growling stomach and a sour-sauced mood... last night was our unexpected extra SF night (since the beach-fire belly boat show got cancelled). we made the most of it mostly due to a kind, cheerful and gracious host, LX. Carlos knows LX through some computer techie connections and he is a really awesome dude. we are actually in the neighborhood he grew up in, that he recently decided to settle back into. he has the ideal home set up, it is a studio shack with a quaint alley yard, behind a larger, three-story apartment complex. this neighborhood is pretty dang cool and it is nice to be so close to a city center and not see those horrific, brown-toned new-millinial gentro-fied apartment complexes that seem to be choking so many other cities right now (see seattle, and portland especially). the sort of mammoths that like to nest on top of pit park in downtown bellingham... anyways, LX got off early and met us at the Javacat coffeeshop that me and carlos walked to after getting dropped off a few blocks down by Adam. turns out LX lives pretty much kitty corner from it... we decided we were gonna try to scheme to get onto some bill or possibly play an open mic and after coming back to LX's (and through the long tunnel that leads to the backyard where his house is), we dropped off our shit and and went to check out this coffeeshop two blocks off. I am not sure what type of music LX does, or any names of his projects but he has a lot of noise/experimental equipment and recording gear (a couple theramins for example) and two nice computers set up (he has worked for several computer companies, mostly in the game design realm, i believe, like atari and such and is now working for an arcade company -the one that put out the "golden tee" golf arcade game that is all on-line and such)... he has to drive to san jose to work, which seems to suck, but he is also a bike enthusiast and rides in the SF critical mass apparently....
anyways, the coffeshop open mic was thursday, so we grabbed the local rags and checked them out for options on our walk back. i kept finding blue nitrous tanks (which i mistook for those small CO2 tanks) and LX corrected me and made known there "purpose." we got back to the house and decided to go play an open mic later that night at a coffeeshop near Golden Gate Park called The Canvas Cafe (the place was a combination cafe, art gallery, bar sort of thing) but first we set out to go check out the ameoba records on haight street. it was a nice, short and scenic drive through the park and we spent a good hour at ameoba. i scored a couple classic NW albums (an early some velvet sidewalk record and an early mike johnson radio-promo album) and also came across some local bands in the bargain bins was searching. i found used copies of the pale pacifics new EP and also of korby lenkers "bellingham" album (which i had carlos take a picture of me holding, since i was wearing my bellingham jill brazil show... which gets me thinking, i hope john tosch comes out tonight to the show.... that'd be radical... anyways, we left ameobo and on the way back carlos pissed in the park in plain view of a roadway (like the good transient he is right now). we pretty much grabbed our guitars and we're out the door again in LX's bright read racing BMW (the vehicle lacked a back seat and the seat belts were a jungle to latch on). we got to the wide, spacious cafe around sign-up time (7pm) to find 24 people already signed up... shit. we threw our names on there and carlos acted the salesmen of our valor for the rest of the evening as we tried to vie for a better slot... after a couple hours, a few beers (courtesy of LX and his friend Michael Coyote who showed up to hang out some) and some rather disheartening performers and environs, we decide to head out for some food and come back after to see if we were still up to play. carlos talked again to Mike the Bob Marley-shrouded host of the evening and told him we had to get some food and would be back soon... our efforts to find the sushi that michael was craving and offering to buy us were soon thwarted (as every place, be it dining or excercising or dying) closed at 10pm. we eventually found a pizza place... got some young, trying-to-be-a-writer-in-a-suit-snob kicked out of our good booth (he proceeded to pout about it via body language for the next hour) and ate some very good pizza and talked about movies, music, books and the horrible songs coming through the stereo system. it was all these 80's hits, but done by crappy studio musicians. i felt gross, after sitting through some undesirable at the open mic, that it took us so long to figure out that NONE of the songs were the original artists. all i ask for is sincerity, is that too much? we walked back by the open mic to a much younger, looser crowd that would have been fun to play to, only to find out our names had already been called... we could probably have tried to "go next" but we were all pretty beat from the scene... a short ride home, a bit of discussion about technology and the fast-pace of the future and then some quiet, calm sleep.
it has been mild and mildly foggy here. the evenings are crisp and cool. not really flip-flop weather... the leaves are falling and tonight i just might wear shoes to the show. i miss getting to know people closely. i don't do that enough lately, really EVER lately, and the quickly changing faces and places of touring are certainly no help... autumn is when you start to dig into the soil, to entrench yourself with allies against the cold and i look forward to days like that again. i miss the romance of it.
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:: brs 3:45 PM
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:: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 ::
so, it turns out that masa records has been deleted, which is pretty upsetting. the space is there but all the files and such have been deleted. i have uploaded those that i had backed on my computer and hopefully things will be semi-functional soon. sorry to all you masa artists out there with pages deleted (for me, it really sucked as i am trying to book a tour right now but don't have a place to direct people to now, and also i had just redesigned several pages and created several new ones). hopefully we will be up and running soon. again, sorry... though, it actually might have been good timing, as things are gonna start picking up around here and with a new spirit very soon...
for now, if you want to keep up with masa artists, i would suggest looking towards the masa myspace.
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:: brs 2:03 PM
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:: Wednesday, August 03, 2005 ::
so, the masarecords.com site is down right now... has been for a few days, not that any of y'all might have noticed, since it hadn't been updated in a long while... good things are coming though. autumn is a time of settling and putting things in order for the winter... a lot of new stuff coming soon... i swear it.
for now, y'all should check out me (matt/1985) and eli moore (palisades) new project... listen here.
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:: brs 12:04 PM
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:: Sunday, June 12, 2005 ::
here we catch two masa artists, 1985 (disguised as wetness protection program*) and Blair Harris, in the middle of an online IM conversation courtesy of the IM function at myspace.com. the topic is "practising and polishing ones art VS. capturing it as soon as possible after its (con/in)ception." we have already missed the meat of the insightful dialogue, and enter the storyline post-climax...
wetness protection program: exactly. wetness protection program: takes the heart away from it. wetness protection program: perhaps... wetness protection program: but looking back now.... i listen to some of my older (a sandcastle still and such) recordings and feel crappy that i didn't try and give the song the credit it deserved. wetness protection program: and now it feels too late to approach them anymore, you know? wetness protection program: but i just wish i had good sounding (quality of recording, quality of performance) captures of them. Blair Harris: yeah I do know waht you mean...I was thinking of this song on My Name is Blah..and there's this riff in it that I just love almost more than anything I've made..but the song just doesn't really go... Blair Harris: the way I want it to and I dont relal yliek the song wetness protection program: and i am tending to lean mroe towards the fence side where it is better to polish it up first, as some people (though it sucks bad) are gonna have a harder time understanding it if it is roguh.... wetness protection program: yeah. wetness protection program: if it is rough, some people might have a hard time picking up ont he sentiment, the emotion, heart behind it, you know? wetness protection program: (i think it is ironic, as well, that we are having this conversation when i am logged into the WPP account) -editor: the irony being that the WPP is an low-fi, improv tape series- Blair Harris: yeah..I'm open minded to all of it...I mean sure it's fun to make the rough cuts but I dont think there's antyhing wrong with having a good- quality recorded song at all wetness protection program: yeah.... wetness protection program: i think it is good to mix it up... wetness protection program: or maybe have both you know? Blair Harris: hahah Blair Harris: yeah wetness protection program: and i got SOOO much of my stuff captured in that infant roughness, i just kind of want to do this next recording all nice like.... Blair Harris: I mean the song is still the song, as long as you're getting your message across and mean it, then who cares how it's done wetness protection program: and bring back some of the songs i think weren't given a fair shot at it... wetness protection program: exactly. wetness protection program: and each song has like its own personality... wetness protection program: some songs fit more naturally in the rough others not./.. Blair Harris: yeah maybe you should make like an EP of just redone songs, rerecorded and maybe throw in parts you'd have liked better ors oemthing Blair Harris: like a "revisited ep" wetness protection program: nice, nice. wetness protection program: good idea... wetness protection program: i do know that this next album i want to do is gonna be sort of a greatest hits in that fashion... bring back the old songs i like a lot and match them up with some new ones i love... Blair Harris: that would be awesome, that sounds like a really good idea wetness protection program: and even there, i want to have a blueprints sort of precursor, with rough sketches of it and a few months later, and with a few firends playing on it, record it all super nice... Blair Harris: that way newer listeners can a better chance to hear some of the older ones wetness protection program: yeah.... wetness protection program: though they might be a little disappointed to go back and listen to that stuff! Blair Harris: haha no way wetness protection program: yes way! wetness protection program: hey, so what should we call this wpp we did? Blair Harris: yeah that's a good way to go about it though..scratch the revisited EP..just rerecord those old songs on your new album with new songs..that's a really good idea wetness protection program: it has to relate some how to things that keep you protected from wetness... wetness protection program: but, yeah... Blair Harris: haha hmm wetness protection program: there will be a low-fi tape precusor blueprint thing (for the low-fi fans) of all the songs (also to be given to the people i want to play ont he album so they can get used to the songs).... wetness protection program: and then a few months later... wetness protection program: so name? wetness protection program: does the arkansas have any getties? wetness protection program: how about, volume four: the floodgates. wetness protection program: i like that... wetness protection program: wetness protection program: some examples? step two: the tent. Blair Harris: that sounds good wetness protection program: procedure three: watergate Blair Harris: oooh ok I see wetness protection program: i like floodgates alot though... wetness protection program: you know, cause we are all like on "on the verge" of busting out into full creative bloom... Blair Harris: how about.. four: the dam music Blair Harris: haha uh wetness protection program: nice. wetness protection program: nice. Blair Harris: hahah sorry wetness protection program: no, that was funny as fuck.... Blair Harris: yeah floodgates will work wetness protection program: you think? or? Blair Harris: yeah it sounds like we are all about cry and pouring ourselves through the strigns Blair Harris: Im pretty sure I can identify my guitar in that recording on there..and man I am not good at playing with peple wetness protection program: nice. wetness protection program: no way! i play totally happy music! Blair Harris: I soudned ok on some parts, but horrible most the time..and then I got too overpowering wetness protection program: my heart is golden orange! wetness protection program: yeah, it is pretty rough ALL around.... wetness protection program: oh well, we can do a better one next time. wetness protection program: yeah... wetness protection program: you should starting USING the masa blog! wetness protection program: i am trying to kick all the masa folks in the butt about that one, but so far... wetness protection program: not so much, you know? Blair Harris: yeah I've pretty much lost tocuh with that after my first entry..that's me for ya when it comes to blogs wetness protection program: yeah. Blair Harris: yeah I will amke another entry though Blair Harris: I have to fiind the address again wetness protection program: now, if it was an LJ, you'd be all over it wetness protection program: blogger.com wetness protection program: right? wetness protection program: or: masarecords.blogspot.com? Blair Harris: haha Blair Harris: yeah I'll find it wetness protection program: it sucks cause the only person who has really been using it, brandon (jimes)... makes the text all super big and super white (so people can see it he says) than i change it back and i think he is sick wetness protection program: of that tug of war now... wetness protection program: is it really that hard to read, or?
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:: brs 4:10 AM
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:: Tuesday, May 31, 2005 ::
i wound up staying bellingham much longer than i expected. which was good, because out of those experiences, this was created. it is me and eli's semi-project called "crystal pastures." let us know what you think!
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:: brs 1:33 AM
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:: Monday, May 23, 2005 ::
i am still in bellingham, hanging out until the local music radio show tonight and i am excited to finally get back home to kent. i was lucky enough to catch my brother and sister at home when i got into seattle from spokane and went home for a few hours before heading to port townsend... the bellingham shows were fun, especially the jason webley show, it was a nice way to finish the tour off. i have really come around to webley and his music over the last year or so, especially when he made such a nice gesture to the gaf church his last time here. the show went well, there was like 150 people there and i was able to unload 30 1985 cd's and 40 of the local compilation (dead air, um, dead air) and people signed the mailing list as well. i was mostly giving the cd's away but told people that if they wanted to donate money to me for the intended charities on the cd', that they could, and 10 bucks came in that way... it was a lot of fun being in bellingham for some live music on friday and saturday night and now i have mostly been holed up at jamie/kristen/eli's house and me and eli have been recording. apparently we are gonna try and finish an ep today, so we will see how that goes... fun, new songs of both his and mine and they are sounding awesome... look for an attempt at filling in the blank spots of the tour journal action and also look fr major overhauls of the masa site int he next couple of days...
the moist, cool spring weather here has been fucking beautiful the last few nights, especially at night when the near full moon has been coming out to play...
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:: brs 11:15 AM
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:: Thursday, May 19, 2005 ::
so i am sitting at one of the horseshoe cafe computers. fucking hilarious.
it is oddly warm outside and oddly warm in my belly, as i just consumed my first liquid charge in months. it is odd everywhere. oddingham.
the children of solvency will probably be performing a song with me tonight. these are the lyrics:
"the mermaids won the battle the mermaids won the battle now we are all merfolk now we are all merfolk the mermaid king and queen smile so lovingly the mermaids saved us all"
the ocean is violence to most. yet some thrive there and fear the open air. this is the most natural refutation of balance. of dark light, in and out.
i am in bellingham and, though i made 100 bucks in missoula five days ago, i am so familiarly worrry about my ability to afford being here for the next five days. nice, nice.
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:: brs 5:46 PM
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:: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 ::
oh, missoula in spring! how i love thee! if only my family were pocket-size and i could take them wherever i go... alas.
like, i kind of don't want to leave... someday, i would like to spend some significant time here.
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:: brs 2:12 PM
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:: Sunday, May 15, 2005 ::
i am in missoula, chilling at peters house while he puts posters on his wall. he has lived here since october. today was overcast and warm here in western montana. i have been pretty moody. i am glad it took this long to hit me (maybe my tolerance is going up), but i am definately getting that weird ansy, unsatisfied gotta keep moving to misery missing things feeling. it is weird and hard to describe, like a breaking down jalopy. i tried pretty hard to get onto a show tonight at this girl niki's house but even though there is only three bands playing and i pleaded with the whole "i don't need to play a big set and i can play early and between bands and don't need any money and just want to play a few songs to make something of the day" spee-ul, she "didn't have room for me." eh. she hosts the local show here at the college radio station, me and tony played on her show last time we were in town... so yeah, i should be happy about last nights show. there were tons of people and they were pretty receptive and nice to me during my set and i got to hear no-fi on their old stomping grounds and the robot ate me and the conversation. the oblio joes were my favorite, though. so much fun. i have been so drawn to traveling songs on this tour, like tom and chaz's project "the transcendentalists." four fast chords a harmonica and a bellowing plea. s'all i need... the bus ride to missoula from salt lake city (following a nice 6am sunny walk with tom from his place to ther depot) was miserable and ansy, especially the last two hours from butte montana to missoula. and then we rushed right to the show at the boys and girls club. i think tyson was super happy about the show, though. tons of kids came and i think all the bands got paid pretty well (i recieved the most money i have recieved of any show on tour yet, 100 bucks)... it was a fun show. so yeah, we just went to the movie theater tyson works at to see if we could see a movie for free and it was a no go. and then jenn had to run off to watch survivor (a family tradition or something) and now me and peter are contemplating going to the show at niki's house, which i am less than excited about, though i would love to see some liver music tonight... oh, and i wrote a new song this morning (after watching the against me documentarya nd some of the half japanese one) and we tried to record it with me on guitar and tyson on keys and peter on harmonica. it didn't work but later in the day me and peter and tyson recorded a new wetness protection program installement. tyson had to leave to work half way through, but me and peter continued to record. look for a new masa myspace account for the WPP, with music up from the blair-joshua-matt session in little rock and this one today... plus some old stuffs... anyways... i need to go ride a bike or something... cheer up spend myself... tomorrow night is day three in missoula and some songs at tyson and jenns potluck housewarming party. their place is nice... oh, and the thing i like the most about "the pacific science center" (which is probably what hawaii will morph into) is the pacify. hope you are well...
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:: brs 7:03 PM
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